Welcome to BLUETTI!

BLUETTI (hereinafter referred to as "this product") is a mobile phone software developed and maintained by Shenzhen PowerOak Newener Co.,ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "BLUETTI" or "we"). In order to clarify the provision of various services for registered users of this product, you (or "user") will sign this agreement with our company.

Before signing this agreement and using this product, you must carefully read and fully understand the terms of this agreement (if you are a minor, please read this agreement with a legal guardian), especially the terms of limitation or exemption of liability , privacy protection policy, account rules, application of law and dispute resolution terms (including jurisdiction clauses), and others in bold and/or underlined and other display forms that remind you of important terms, please be sure to focus on reviewing. If you do not agree to this agreement, you have full and complete rights to withdraw from using this product; if you start to use this product, you are deemed to have read, understood and agreed to accept this agreement.

If you have any questions, complaints, comments and suggestions about this agreement, you are welcome to communicate and feedback with us through the contact information attached to this agreement, and we are very happy to explain it to you.

1. Basic Agreement

1.1 Scope of the agreement: This agreement includes some policies, rules, announcements, etc. (unless otherwise specified, collectively referred to as "this agreement") formulated by us ,and also some in accordance with laws and regulations, and you should abide by them. At the same time, you should also abide by the relevant regulations of your local laws and regulations.

1.2 Scope of services: You can log in to the mobile application ("APP") of this product and other forms through your account. For details, the scope of the service function interface released by us in real time shall prevail.

1.3 Modifications and updates: We have the right to modify this agreement when necessary in accordance with laws and regulations (including formulating and publishing other policies, rules, and announcement statements in due course). The updated terms of the agreement will replace the original agreement and will come into effect after being announced. You can check the latest version of the terms of the agreement on the relevant service page. After this agreement is modified, if you continue to use your account, it is deemed that you have accepted the modified agreement. If you do not accept the revised agreement, you have the right to stop using your account.

2. Account registration and use

2.1 The account is an identifier used to identify the user's identity. You can log in to this product through your account, including but not limited to mobile applications ("APP") and other forms of services coming in the future.

2.2 You need to provide some necessary personal information when registering or using your account. You must ensure that the information you fill in and provided is true, accurate and complete, otherwise you may not be able to use your account or be restricted during use. You shall bear the responsibility and loss caused by the untrue, inaccurate or incomplete information provided by you.

2.3 After you register an account, we have the right to decide whether we will provide you with services based on the authenticity, accuracy, completeness of the information you provide and whether it meets other conditions of this agreement. In the process of using your account, if the information provided changes, you should make the changes in time.

2.4 After your successful registration, we will configure an account for you. The ownership of the account belongs to us, and you only have the right to use it during the validity period of this agreement. Without our consent, your account is for your own use only, and account information and permissions may not be licensed to third parties for use by transfer, gift, borrowing, sale, authorization, or lease, or under joint control and use with third parties.

2.5 In consideration of customer experience and functional services, the information that you are required to fill in when using your account to log in to different services may not be exactly the same. Therefore, when using higher-level services, in order to provide you with better services and for your account’s safety, you may need to add complete information before you can use it.

2.6 You are responsible for keeping the user name, password and other information of your account on your own, otherwise the legal responsibilities arising from such matters shall be borne by you. We will treat the behavior of logging in with your account as your own operation, and the electronic information records generated by the operation are valid credentials for the user's behavior.

3. Account cancellation

3.1 If you need to cancel your account, you have the right to apply for account cancellation in accordance with this agreement. We will provide you with account cancellation services after verifying your identity and related information.

3.2 Your account must meet the following conditions at the same time to successfully log out:

(1) The account can log in normally;
(2) The account is not a partner user (if yes, the partner agreement should be cancelled first);
(3) The account is not a maintenance person user (if yes, you should first cancel the relevant agreement with your partner);
(4) The account has no unfinished orders;
(5) There are no disputes on the account, including initiating or receiving complaints or reports.

3.3 You should ensure that you have the right to decide the cancellation of the account and do not infringe the legal rights of any third party. If any disputes or disputes arise as a result, you shall bear and it has no relationship with BLUETTI.

3.4 The cancellation of the account does not mean that the actions and responsibilities during using the cancelled account are exempted or mitigated.

3.5 During your application for the account cancellation, if your account is involved in disputes, including but not limited to complaints, reports, litigation, arbitration, investigations by relevant authorities, etc., we have the right to terminate your account cancellation without the obligation to obtain your separate approval.

3.6 After your account is cancelled, you will not be able to log in again and use the cancelled account, and will not be able to retrieve the content or information related to your account, including but not limited to the following items(even if you use the same email address or mobile phone number to register again), if necessary, please back up relevant information and data by yourself before applying for cancellation of your account:

(1) The personal data and historical information of the account (including but not limited to username, nickname, avatar, message record, order record, etc.) will not be retrieved;
(2) The coupons, points, other cards and vouchers you have obtained are deemed to have been given up on your own intention, and will not be able to be used and cannot be restored anymore.

4. Personal Information Protection and Privacy Policy

4.1 What data does BLUETTI collect from you?

4.1.1 When you register and start using the BLUETTI App, we may collect some of your personal information, including but not limited to your name, email address, country, address, phone number, device data, and mobile phone model.

4.1.2 When you use BLUETTI App services, we may collect your account data, including but not limited to login behavior, bounded device parameters, user actions/related data generated by user actions, uploaded data (i.e. images, text, videos, sound, etc.), and order information (i.e. order number, logistics information, payment information, etc.);

4.1.3 When you allow the BLUETTI App to use your location, we may read your location data. If you allow the app to push notifications to you, you may receive various types of information from the App including but not limited to device alerts, device news, and adverts.

4.2 Why does BLUETTI collect this type of information from you?

The information we collect varies on a case-by-case basis, but it enables us to provide a better experience and service. We use the information collected by the BLUETTI App for product development, maintenance, troubleshooting, and user services. Additionally, we use the information to protect user rights and benefits, as well as for security purposes.

4.3 Information storage and exchange: The information and data collected by this product will be stored on the servers of this product and/or its affiliates. These information and data may be exchanged out of your country and region, and will be accessed, stored and displayed outside of your country and region.

4.5 Use of Cookies:

4.5.1 This product uses cookies to provide you with more thoughtful and personalized services, including promotional services. If you do not refuse to accept cookies, this product will set or access cookies default on your computer so that you can log in or use the services or functions of this product that rely on cookies.
4.5.2 You have the right to choose accepting or refusing cookies. It is doable by modifying your browser settings. But if you choose to refuse to accept cookies, you may not be able to log in or use the network services or functions of this product that rely on cookies.
4.5.3 The relevant information obtained through the cookies setting in this application will be governed by the privacy policy stipulated in this agreement.

4.6 Account information security:

4.6.1 This product account has a security protection function, please keep your user name and password information properly. This product will ensure that your information is not lost, abused or altered by encrypting user passwords and other security measures. Despite the aforementioned security measures, please note that there is no "perfect security measure" on the information network.
4.6.2 When using the network services provided by this product to conduct online transactions, you will inevitably disclose your personal information, such as contact information or postal address, to the counterparty or potential counterparty. Please properly protect your personal information and provide it to others only when necessary.

4.7 You understand and agree that the following information does not apply to the privacy policy of this agreement:

4.7.1 The keyword information you enter when using the search service provided by this product;
4.7.2 The relevant information and data that you publish, including but not limited to participation in activities, transaction information, evaluation details, and suggestions or feedback for this product;
4.7.3 In addition, if you violate the law or this agreement, we have the right to take any reasonable and necessary measures against your account.

4.8 You understand and agree: We have the right to collect and use your relevant information in accordance with the personal information protection rules we have formulated, and when data desensitization makes it no longer point to or be associated with your personal identity information, we can freely use the desensitized information as pure business data.

4.9 You understand and agree that: when you use this product, this product automatically receives and records the information on your mobile phone, including but not limited to the language you set, the date and time of access, software and hardware feature information, and the webpage record data you require. If you log in to this product through a third-party software/platform, this product will obtain your information on the third-party software, including but not limited to avatar, user name, and gender. In order to better service, this product may push you information that maybe interest you, including but not limited to related product and service program ;With your consent, we may share information with our partners so that they can push related products and services information to you.

4.10 You understand and agree that during your use of this application, if you need to use Bluetooth scanning to connect to BLUETTI energy storage devices or configure network for BLUETII devices, the Application will request access to geographical location information related to this service (such as WLAN access point, Bluetooth scanning, etc.) with your authorization. If you refuse to grant location rights, the use of the above related services will be affected, but you can still use other functions and services in the application.

5. Intellectual Property

5.1 When you use the services contained in your account, the intellectual property rights of the original information such as the text, pictures, videos, etc. published and uploaded belong to you (or separately agreed by the third-party content provider and you), but based on our operational needs, you confirm that your action of publishing and uploading such information is deemed to authorize us, including but not limited to the right to use, copy, and disseminate.

5.2 We have independent using rights ,without your consent ,of the competitive data which is obtained by legal processing ,unless the special provision by laws and regulations.

5.3 Complaints or reports regarding the content of the information. If you find your legal rights accidentally infringed while using your account, you have the right to notify us to take necessary measures to deal with it. If you find violations of laws and regulations or this agreement during the process of using your account, you also have the right to report to us, and we will also take necessary measures in a timely manner (deleting, blocking, disconnecting or restricting the use of functions, etc.).

5.4 Authorization of content rights protection. In the extent permitted by laws and regulations, you agree and authorize us to take any form of legal action, including but not limited to complaints and litigation and other necessary protection measures for infringements of your legal rights and interests (including but not limited to unauthorized copying, use, editing, plagiarism, etc.).

6. The use requirements of this product

6.1 We allow you to download, install, and use this product as stipulated in this agreement, but the aforementioned license is not transferable, and it is not an exclusive license. You must bear the cost of purchasing this product, personal Internet access or communication fees, information fees and other related fees charged by third parties (including but not limited to telecommunications or mobile communication providers).If it involves telecommunications value-added services, we recommend that you confirm the relevant cost with the relevant value-added service provider.

6.2 Unless such restrictions are prohibited by law, you cannot license, sell, lease, transfer, distribute or conduct any other commercial uses of this product in any form; you cannot modify, translate, adapt, merge, decompose, or decompile ,etc. any part of this product; do not use this product for the purpose of creating identical or competitive services; do not produce, copy, distribute, sell, download or display any part of this product in any form or method; do not delete or destroy any copyright contained in this product claims or other proprietary markings.

6.3 You promise and guarantee that you will use this product legally and are responsible for all actions related to the use of this product. You cannot be engage in following misuse with or through this product, including but not limited to : publishing or sharing mobile phone viruses, worms, malicious code, software that deliberately destroys or changes mobile phone systems or data; collect information or data of other users without authorization, such as email addresses; use this product maliciously in an automated manner to cause excessive burden on the server or interfere, damage the website server and network links in other ways; try to access the server data or communication data of this product without authorization ;interfere or destroy the use of other users of this product.

7. After sales policy

7.1 If you are a maintenance partner user, you promise and guarantee that:

7.1.1 At least one technician with knowledge of this product shall be equipped. After learning and training, he / she shall be able to master the working principle, working process and installation method of digital future products;
7.1.2 You should formulate detailed service content or regulations for various products for end-customer services and implement them in earnest according to our after-sales service policy and combined with the local market conditions. There must be no end-customers who frequently complain to us due to service problems;
If the monthly complaint rate of your service orders exceeds 1%, we have the right to deduct your service fee of handling the corresponding complaint customers, and the minimum deduction rate is 30%.
7.1.3 If you are unable to repair some products by yourself and need to return to BLUETTI for repair, you must communicate with the full-time responsible personnel of BLUETTI after-sales service at least 5 working days in advance, and only after their written consent can the goods be sent to BLUETTI, and you need to fill in the name of the person in charge of the BLUETTI after-sales service department as the consignee, otherwise BLUETTI may not process it.

7.2 If you are an end customer, you promise and guarantee that:

7.2.1 If you need a door-to-door service from a maintenance partner, you need to provide effective and accurate service address and contact information to the maintenance partner through this product.
7.2.2 You have the right to truthfully evaluate or choose to complain about the after-sales service of the maintenance partner according to the actual situation; We will deal with it in time and feedback the result to you. You promise and guarantee that the relevant comments and complaints are consistent with the facts.

7.3 Return notice:

7.3.1 Return time limit: apply for return within 7 days after purchasing relevant products;
7.3.2 Return conditions: products can only be returned if they meet the following conditions;
- The products are damaged or defective when they are received;
- Abnormal operation of products itself;
- It does not meet the installation conditions after evaluation.

7.4 Exchange instructions:

7.4.1 Time limit for replacement: the equipment can be replaced within 15 days after purchase.
7.4.2 Exchange conditions:
- The products are damaged or defective when they are received;
- Abnormal operation of product itself;
- Accessories shortage. The shortage of accessories shall be reported to customer service in advance within 2 days from the date of receiving the goods;
- The original goods should be sent back before replacement.

7.5 Installation instructions:

7.5.1 Before purchasing the product, please fully read and understand the installation conditions of the product, and then purchase the product after evaluating whether it meets the installation conditions. The product directly used without installation is not within this limit;
7.5.2 Before installation, please apply for installation on the app, and fill in the installation address, contact person, telephone number and other relevant information correctly;
7.5.3 After the installation application, please keep the phone unblocked at any time, and wait at home according to the appointed time, so that our staff can contact you in time and offer the service;
7.5.4 You can ask our staff to show you the corresponding certificate and charge standard before installation;
7.5.5 If you are not satisfied with the installation process, please contact us in time.

7.6 Maintenance instructions:

7.6.1 If there is any fault in your product, please contact us in time. We can conduct operation guidance and troubleshooting online;
7.6.2 If you need door-to-door repair, please apply for repair on the app first, and fill in the fault type, contact address, contact number and other relevant information correctly;
7.6.3 If you need to send to BLUETTI for repair, please apply for repair on the app first and select the correct repair service point. At the same time, the goods that need to be repaired should be correctly packed and sent to the address of the selected repair service point;
7.6.4 After the application, please keep the telephone unblocked at any time, so that our staff can contact you in time and offer the service;
7.6.5 If you are not satisfied with the installation process, please contact us in time.

8. Disclaimer

8.1 We do not guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of all other people's information, content or advertising and other information (hereinafter collectively referred to as information) that you obtain from your account. If any unit or individual conducts any behavior through the above-mentioned "information", you must identify the authenticity by yourself and carefully prevent risks. When you accept account services, you may be exposed to unpleasant, inappropriate or offensive content, we are not responsible for any such content under any circumstances,. Regardless of any reason, we are not responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental or derivative losses and liabilities for any transaction or behavior that does not occur directly with us.

8.2 In view of the particularity of Internet services, you understand and agree that we do not need to be liable for your losses (including but not limited to losses in property, income, data, etc. or other intangible losses) under the following circumstances:

8.2.1 In any case, the direct, indirect, incidental, special and subsequent damages and risks caused by your use or inability to use this product;
8.2.2 Any psychological, physical harm and economic loss due to misleading or deception when you communicate with other users through this product and cause or may cause;
8.2.3 Loss caused by your illegal use of the account or your improper operation.
8.2.4 Any service interruption, obstacles and other circumstances that cannot meet user requirements which is caused by computer viruses, Trojan horses, other malicious programs, hacker attacks, mobile phone virus intrusion, illegal content information, harassing information shielding, and any other network, technology, communication lines, information security management measures, etc;
8.2.5 The losses is due to a third party such as an operator's communication line failure, technical problem, network, mobile phone failure, system instability, and other force majeure;
8.2.6 The interruption, termination or delay of our platform services due to changes in laws and regulations, orders and rulings of judicial and administrative agencies, etc., or the relevant information about you that we are required to provide;
8.2.7 Due typhoons, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, power outages, wars, terrorist attacks and other force majeure factors, our platform system obstacles cannot operate normally.

8.3 This product expressly declares that it does not guarantee the timeliness, safety and accuracy of this product and its partner companies' services, either expressly or implicitly in any form.

9. Liability for breach of contract

9.1 If we find or receive reports or complaints from others about your violation of this agreement, we have the right to make independent judgment, delete or block the relevant content at any time without notice; and impose penalties on your account, including but not limited to warning, restricting or prohibiting the use of part or all of the functions, closing or even canceling the account; and we also have the right to publicize the processing result; and you should bear the losses (including but not limited to the clearing of information, virtual currency, game props and related data, etc.).

9.2 If your actions cause us losses (including but not limited to direct losses, loss of reputation, third-party fines, claims, etc.), we have the right to recover the full amount from you, if you have any margin and virtual currency on our platform or other products, we have the right to freeze or lien it.

9.3 If you violate the provisions of this agreement and cause a dispute with a third party, all consequences shall be borne by you and have nothing to do with us, and we have no obligation to assist you in handling such disputes.

10. Termination of service

10.1 This agreement will terminate after you successfully cancel your account, and we will stop providing you with any services.

10.2 If you violate the content of this agreement, we have the right to terminate the use of the account and stop providing services to you.

10.3 You understand and agree that we temporarily or permanently terminate the account service (or any part of it) at any time in accordance with our own business policies. You need to pay attention to our website or our platform notifications in a timely manner, and timely backup the data and information under your account. And deal with related matters in a timely manner in accordance with the measures announced by us. Otherwise, we don't need to bear any responsibility.

11. Application of law and jurisdiction

11.1 The signing and interpretation of this contract and the settlement of disputes related to this contract are all subject to the current effective laws of the People's Republic of China.

11.2 If there is any dispute between the user and BLUETTI, both parties shall resolve it through friendly negotiation and talk. And it shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court where BLUETTI is domiciled if no agreement after talks . The breaching party shall also bear all the expenses incurred by the observant party for claiming rights, including but not limited to litigation costs, attorney agency fees and other related expenses.

12. Other

12.1 The contact information you filled in this product is the delivery address. You should bear the legal consequences of effective delivery if the contract documents and legal documents finally delivered failure caused by the relevant contact information incorrectly filled, or the above address is not updated in time after the change. If Post delivery, the date of return shall be regarded as the date of successful delivery; If direct service, the date on which the delivery man records the situation shall be the he date of successful delivery.

12.2 Some clauses of this agreement are invalid or unenforceable for any reason, and will not affect the validity of the remaining clauses.

12.3 BLUETTI reserves all rights to interpret this agreement.

12.4 If you have any questions, complaints, comments and suggestions, you are welcome to communicate with us. Our contact information below: 【app@bluetti.com】